Are there any medications that mean I cannot float?

People with certain medical conditions should ask their medical practitioner or doctor if floatation tanks are right for them. Floatation should be avoided entirely if you are currently experiencing any of the following conditions:

· Epilepsy (not controlled by medication)
· Kidney disease
· Low blood pressure
· Any contagious disease, including diarrhoea or gastroenteritis (and for the next 14 days)
· Coronavirus (COVID-19) or any of its symptoms (and for the next 14 days)
· Open wounds or skin ulcers
· If you are under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol

You’ll want to check with your health advisor before using a floatation tank if you have a history of:

· Heart condition
· Complications in a pregnancy
· Psychosis
· Severe psoriasis and eczema (Note: Epsom salt works wonders for soothing mild cases of these disorders)

What do I need to bring with me?

We ask that you bring your own towel. You can also bring flip flops if you like as the floor in the pod room can be slippy with the Epsom salts. You do not need to bring a swimsuit as your pod is located in a private room. We provide shampoo, conditioner and body wash in our showers, but feel free to bring your own products. We also provide ear plugs and a Vaseline sachet if you have a small abrasion you wish to cover.

    Is the pod claustrophobic?

    It is common for some new customers to be slightly apprehensive and even a little nervous before their first float session.  In the floatation pod you are not trapped nor obliged to stay in, if you don’t like it you can always get out any point. Once we explain this to our customers and they realise that are in control of the whole procedure their worries subside and they usually go on to float with the door closed and the light off. Both of these functions are controllable from within the pod.

      Is there a risk of drowning while floating?

      It is true that it is possible to drown in any body of liquid, but float tanks are fundamentally safe due to the high levels of buoyancy provided by the Epsom salts. It’s basically impossible to sink! Touching the bottom of the pool takes a conscious effort and it’s actually pretty common for people to fall asleep while floating. It’s that effortless!

      To sum up, floatation tanks are a safe and low-risk activity, with an ever-growing body of medical evidence suggesting that flotation tanks can have many beneficial effects, including reduced stress and anxiety (couldn’t we all use this?), better sleep, decreased pain, and an easing of the effects of PTSD. Our customers regularly report that floating boosts both their sense of well-being and happiness level.

        How clean are the pods?

        Long story short very! Our i-sopod have the ultimate sterilisation system available which combine photocatalytic and hydroxyl radical technology. It is the strongest and most effective sanitising system in existence today! It is completely safe and significantly more powerful than chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, UV or ozone.  Photocatalytic oxidisation has an immensely powerful effect, with the ability to instantaneously destroy viruses, bacteria and pathogens. After each session the pod initiates its cleaning cycle. The total contents of the pod are run thought the 1micron filter (which is an incredible 100 times smaller than a human hair) several times ensuring that the environment is totally free from any detritus.

          What can floating do for me?

          Here is just a short list of the benifits floating can bring you…

          · Reduce stress and anxiety – increased sense of calm

          · Extreme form of relaxation

          · Stress management

          · Deep relaxation

          · Alleviate insomnia

          · Brain and body switch off

          · Vital escape from busy daily lives

          · Aids recovery, reduce muscle tensions

          · Pain management including back, neck, migraines, muscle and joint soreness

          · Inflammation

          · Recovery from sporting injuries

          · Athletic recovery and performance visualisation

          · Skin conditions

          · Blood pressure – magnesium in the water

          · Balance Hormones

          · Enhanced memory and creativity

          · Antenatal benefits – womb links to mothers and unborn baby

          · Relief from discomforts of pregnancy

          · Salt therapy benefits such as seasonal allergies, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, cystic fibrosis. -salt is a powerful steriliser and anti-inflammatory agent.

          · Regular floating results in increased energy, productivity, physical performance, and wellbeing.

            Can I float if I am menstruating?

            Of course! Just follow the same process you would as if swimming.

              What age do I need to be to float?

              We are open to persons aged 16 and over.

                How long are the sessions?

                Our sessions are 90 minutes. You are booked in for a full 60 minutes in the float pod and have time either side to shower and change.