
Donna & Susan

We are Donna and Susan and we first fell in love with Float Therapy in 2020 when we were looking for a deep relaxation treatment and some help with my pain management with a trapped sciatic nerve. 

We opened our doors on the 1st May 2021 and have not looked back! Its been an amazing whirlwind of clients through our doors and into our pods. We have enjoyed meeting everyone of you and cant wait to meet those who are yet to find float therapy! The feedback has been phenomenal and we thrive on it! Always striving for excellence in our care and service.

Our Story

Our First Float

Our first float blew us away, both of us could not believe how great we felt. Completely relaxed, body felt light and serene (and my sciatic nerve was pain free for the first time in months!) Neither of us had anticipated just how much we needed to disconnect from everything until we did! That hour of peace on our mental wellbeing was like nothing either of us had ever done before. We knew we had to try it again. So we did, again and again. And that is where our journey begins.

Our Vision

Sensory deprivation was an alien concept to both of us normally. We both had busy and intense backgrounds in Childcare and Early Years –  which couldn’t have been further from Float Therapy. But we knew it was something we felt passionately about and with so few centres in Scotland we were determined to make it happen and we started the planning process of bringing Float to Falkirk. During COVID-19 we both delved into the world of float therapy and researched, investigated and learned from many float centres from all over the world. We have made lots of new friends in the wonderful world of Floatation!

With both of us sharing the same vison of a clean, light and airy centre, we began designing and playing with our ideas with relaxation, minimal sensory stimulation at the heart of our plan –  and lots of comfort – even the smallest of details like the slightest scents and smells that guide you in and help switch you off.