How Does Float Therapy effect and benefit the symptoms of the menopause and perimenopause?

Menopuase and Perimenopause can cause symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings, muscle aches and pains, brain fog, hot flushes and difficulty sleeping to name a few.

Both the Menopause and the Perimenopause can have a huge impact on your life, including relationships and work. There are things that you can do to help with the symptoms.

Try Float Therapy

While in the pod you achieve a zero gravity like feeling. This means that you are relieved of the weight of your body.  Pressure is taken off muscles and joints and swelling greatly is reduced.  Blood pressure is lowered as blood circulation around the body is increased.

What Benefits Does Float Therapy Have On Menopause and Perimenopause?


Stress Reduction through deep relaxation and an increase sense of calm. Float therapy is like cleaning out the mind and giving yourself an upgrade, so when you go back to the same (often stressful situations) your using different aspects of your nervous system that maybe were not available to you beforehand optimising your ability to manage your stress effectively.

    Muscle Aches & Joint Pains

    Decreases pain in general through zero gravity and weightlessness on your muscles, tendons and bones. Floating increases endorphins and reduces cortisol that natural pain reliever.

      Problems With Memory & Concentration

      The zero-stimulus environment of the tank makes it much easier to get into your thoughts and not be distracted. Brain studies show that thoughts, memory and visualisation require the same mental processes as actually carrying out the actions. Think on this as allowing the chatter in your mind to go away and allowing your brain to do what it wants or needs to do.

        Changes To Your Mood & Low Self-Esteem

        Floating has been shown to have mood and performance enhancing effects that seem to be more profound than other relaxation techniques. Floating can be a valuable stress reduction tool and especially useful in cases of mental burnout, anxiety and PTSD.

          Inability To Get A Nights Sleep

          Floating can provide deep levels of rest that some people find difficult to achieve. Hormones can rebalance and brainwaves slow to theta waves which are typically associated with deep restorative states of sleep.

            Hot Flushes

            Float therapy improves blood flow. Magnesium absorption helps to regulate and lower blood pressure. When floating your breathing techniques can become more pronounced and you can focus on slow deep breath techniques that can improve oxygen levels in the body and Improve circulation.

            Changes To Skin

            Epsom Salt is great for soothing and providing relief from skin irritations. It also strengthens and nourishes your hair and scalp.

              Headaches & Migraines

              Migraines are thought to be caused by restricted blood flow due to constricted blood vessels. Float therapy helps with reducing vascular inflammation and also helps with dilation of the blood vessels, thereby alleviating a migraine attack or preventing one from starting.