How Does Float Therapy Effect Relaxation?

During floating levels of the stress hormone cortisol drop, while the feel-good hormones rise. With your mind at rest your body can focus on healing itself. As you counteract the harsh effects of gravity your muscles and connective tissues begin to rest and recover.  Joints are supported and relaxed and your lower back begins to decompress and align. 

Inside our float pods, therapeutic Epsom salts are dissolved in ten inches of water which is warmed to skin temperature. Like the dead sea, this extremely dense solution enables people of all body types to float effortlessly.  The pod is dark (optional) and quiet (also optional) which reduces sensory stimulation. Eliminating your sensory overload allows your brain to drift into the half-awake, half dreaming state where meditation and creativity flourish.

Floating is freeing yourself from all sensation of gravity, temperature, touch, sight and sound (which together account for 90% of normal neuromuscular activity), you then conserve and can redirect vast amounts of natural physical and mental energy.

What Benefits Does It Have On Relaxation?

Zero Gravity in the pod —relieved of the extra weight gained

Pressure is taken off joints

Water retention and swelling reduced

Blood pressure is lowered

Blood circulation is increased

Promoting that feel good feeling

Ease of pain

Improved sleep

Intense relaxation and stress relief

What Else Can It Do For Relaxation?

benefit that is unique from using sensory deprivation therapy is that it helps to keep our flight and fight responses at bay. The sympathetic nervous system which causes these types of responses is kept at bay by the parasympathetic nervous system that is activated by a floatation session. When this nervous system is in use, that’s when healing, relaxation, and replenishment can begin. 

When the body reaches a certain amount of relaxation, it is able to cause positive physical results like reduced muscle tension, decreased blood pressure, fewer stress hormones, and increased endorphins.


During a float session, the hemispheres of the brain are able to synchronize, which studies have shown helps the two different sides of the brain to talk to each other more smoothly. When this kind of communication happens between the left and right hemispheres, deeper realizations, stronger non-linear connections, and more creativity are just a few of the positive results.